Sons of The Revolution – Society of The District of Columbia, Membership Roll, May 1891

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Society of The District of Columbia, Membership Roll, May 1891


President: Hon. John Lee Carroll.

Vice-President: Rear-Admiral Francis Asbury Roe, U. S. Navy.

Board of Managers: Lewis Johnson Davis; Major Clarence Edward Dutton, U. S. Army; Rear-Admiral Samuel Rhoads Franklin, U. S. Navy; Commodore James Augustin Greer, U. S. Navy; Frank Warren Hackett; Archibald Hopkins; Brigadier-General William Beatty Rochester, U. S. Army; Capt. Daniel Morgan Taylor, U. S. Army;

Secretary: Charles Worthington, 1409 L Street.

Treasurer: Alexander Brown Legare, 1726 I Street.

Registrar and Historian: Gaillard Hunt, 1466 Rhode Island Avenue.

Chaplain: Rev. George William Douglas, D. D.

Membership Roll

John B. Abbott,
Grandson of Amos Abbott, Captain in Joshua Abbott’s Company, Col. John Stark’s Regiment. Was a United States pensioner at time of death.

Philip Rounseville Alger,
Great-great-grandson of Capt. Levi Rounseville, 9th Massachusetts Regiment.

Nicholas Longworth Anderson,
Grandson of Brig. Gen. Richard Clough Anderson, of the 6th Regiment Virginia Continental Infantry; original member of the Society of the Cincinnati.

Davis Carneal Anderson,
Grandson of Brig. Gen. Richard Clough Anderson. (See N. L. Anderson.)

George Burwin Anderson,
Grandson of Percival Butler, 2d Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Regiment; original member of the Society of the Cincinnati.

George Smith Anderson,
Great-great-grandson of Ganin McCoy, Captain 1st Battalion Somerset County (New Jersey) State Troops.

Rene Bache,
Great-great-great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin.

Harold Binney,
Great-grandson of Josiah Talbot, private in Capt. Samuel Fisher’s Company, Colonel Titcomb’s Massachusetts Regiment.

Benjamin Lewis Blackford,
Grandson of John Minor, of Hazel Hill; cadet and private under General Nelson. Also great-grandson of John Minor, of Caroline, Major in the Virginia Line.

Frank Bowers Bourn,
Great-great-grandson of John Wilcox, one of the officers assisting General Barton in capture of Major-General Prescott, July 9, 1777.

John Jones Brice,
Great-grandson of Col. Benjamin Wilson, commanding Virginia Troops and delegate to Convention. Also great-grandson of William Brice, Ensign in Pennsylvania Line under Col. Evan Evans, Lieutenant under Colonel Sterling, and commissioned captain by General Washington.

Albert Franklin Brooks,
Grandson of Joshua Brooks, private in Capt. Wm. Smith’s Company, Col. Abijah Pierce’s Regiment of Minute Men. Also great-grandson of Daniel Batchelder, private in Capt. Philip Putnam’s Company, Col. Moses Nichols’ New Hampshire Regiment. Also great-grandson of Caleb Maynard, private in Capt. Abijah Smith’s Company, Col. Enoch Hale’s New Hampshire Regiment.

John Lee Carroll,
Great-grandson of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton.

Harry Bonton Cilley,
Great-grandson of Joseph Cilley, Major in Poor’s 2d Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel in 177O, and Colonel 1st New Hampshire Regiment, and Major-General 1st Division, New Hampshire Militia.

Hedley Vicars Cooke,
Great-great-great-grandson of Col. Robert Smith, who had charge of the defences of the Delaware below Philadelphia; also of the fortification of Liberty Island; was also a member of Pennsylvania Convention.

Persefor Marsden Cooke,
Same descent.

Seymour Cunningham,
Great-grandson of Col. Johannes Knickerbocker, of the 14th Regiment, Albany (New York) County Militia.

Richard Graham Davenport,
Great-grandson of Richard Graham, member of Committee of Safety and Observation of Prince William County, Virginia; and Commissioner of Revenue for the support of the Revolution. Also great-great-grandson of George Brent, member Committee of Safety and Observation, Stafford County, Virginia. Also great-great-great-grandson of Judge Charles Jones, Commissioner of Revenue for support of the War, and first Judge of Montgomery County, Maryland (1777). Also great-great -great-grandson of Samuel Love, Sr., member Committee of Safety and Observation, of Charles County, Maryland; also member Maryland Convention, 1774. Also great-grandson Jonathan Davenport, of Rhode Island, Private in Colonel Archibald Crary’s Regiment.

Lewis Johnson Davis,
Great-grandson of Capt. John Santford, Adjutant of 2d Regiment, New York Militia; original member of the Society of the Cincinnati.

George William Douglas,
Great-great-grandson of Asa Douglas, Major 17th Regiment, King’s District, New York (Wm. B. Whiting, Colonel). Also great-great-grandson of David Sutherland, Colonel 6th Regiment, Dutchess County, N. Y.

Arthur Henry Dutton,
Great-great-grandson of Col. William Douglas, of the 6th Regiment, Connecticut Line. Also great-great-grandson of Sergt. Ephraim French, of Capt. Wm. Barrow’s Company, Col. Isaac Wyman’s New Hampshire Regiment.

Clarence Edward Dutton,
Great-grandson of Col. William Douglas, of the 6th Regiment, Connecticut Line.

George H. Elliot,
Grandson of John Tidd, member of Capt. Parker’s Company of Minute Men.

William George Elliot,
Great-grandson of John Tidd, member of Captain Parker’s Company of Minute Men.

Oswald Herbert Ernst,
Great-grandson of Dr. Ephraim Otis, member of the Revolutionary Committee appointed by the town of Scituate in 1774, and Surgeon in the War.

Samuel Rhoads Franklin,
Great-great-grandson of Samuel Rhoads, member of the First Congress. Also great-grandson of Col. Jonas Simonds, of the 6th Continental Infantry.

Arthur Taylor Goldsborough,
Great-grandson of Tench Tighlman, Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Washington.

Edmund Kennedy Goldsborough,
Same descent.

Richard Henry Goldsborough,
Same descent.

Green Clay Goodloe,
Great-grandson of Green Clay, delegate to the Virginia Convention.

George Forrest Green,
Grandson of Lieut. Col. Uriah Forrest, Maryland Line.

Osceola C. Green,
Same descent.

James Augustin Greer,
Great-grandson of Lieut. Eliphalet King, of the 22d Continental Regiment.

James Webb Greer,
Great-great-grandson of Lieut. Eliphalet King, of the 22d Continental Regiment.

Frank Warren Hackett,
Great-great grandson of Jeremiah Hackett, Ensign in Continental Army.

James Malcolm Henry,
Great-grandson of John Henry, Captain in Col. George Ross’s Regiment.

John William Henry,
Same descent.

Archibald Hopkins,
Great-grandson of Col. Mark Hopkins, 1st Massachusetts Infantry. Also great-grandson of Lieut. Col. David Rossiter, ad Massachusetts Infantry.

Gaillard Hunt,
Great-great-grandson of Robt. R. Livingston.

R. Dickinson Jewett,
Great-great-grandson of David H. Jewett, Surgeon in Continental Army.

Henry Greenway Kemp,
Great-great-great-grandson of Gen. Thomas Nelson, signer of the Declaration of Independence, Commander of Virginia State forces. Governor of Virginia, and Major-General in the Continental Army.

Mark Brickell Kerr,
Great-great-grandson of Col. Matthias Brickell, Hertford County Militia.

Charles Euston Kincaid,
Great-grandson of Ensign James Kincaid, of Capt. Joseph Kincaid’s Company of Virginia Volunteers. Also great-great-grandson of Capt. Peter Evans, Col. Wheeden’s Virginia Regiment.

Alexander Brown Legare,
Great-great-grandson of Thomas Legare, member of Council of Safety and of Assembly of South Carolina.

Hugh Swinton Legare,
Same descent.

Garrick Mallery.
Great-grandson of William Maclay, Ensign of Pennsylvania Troops, Assistant Commissary of Pennsylvania, and delegate to General Assembly of Pennsylvania.

Theodorus Bailey Myers Mason,
Great-great-grandson of Lieut. Col. John Bailey, Dutchess County (New York) Regiment of Minute Men. Also great-great-grandson of Capt. John Mason, Massachusetts Militia. Also great-great-grandson of Capt. Isaac Hegeman, 2d Regiment, New York.

Charles Grymes McCawley,
Great-grandson of William McCalla, Captain Bucks County (Pennsylvania) Associates, also captain 7th Company, 2d Battalion, Bucks County Militia, and Chief of Forage Department and Commissioner of Supplies.

Charles Laurie McCawley,
Great-great-grandson of William McCalla. (See above.)

Carroll Mercer,
Great-grandson of John Francis Mercer, Aide-de-camp to Gen’l Charles Lee, and Lieutenant-Colonel in Lawson’s Brigade.

William Elantheros Cooke Moorhead,
Great-grandson of David Carswell, of Captain Sherwood’s Company, Colonel Graham’s Regiment. Was a United States pensioner for Revolutionary services at time of death.

Henry Nixon Moss,
Great-grandson of Robert Morris. Also great-grandson of John Nixon, Brigadier-General in Continental Army. He was the man who read the Declaration of Independence to the people for the first time at Philadelphia, July 8.

Albion K. Parris,
Great-grandson of Samuel Parris, orderly sergeant in Col. Paul Dudley Sergeant’s Regiment. Was in naval service, and afterwards commissioned lieutenant in Massachusetts State Troops.

Clifford Richardson,
Great-grandson of Samuel Howard. He was one of the party who, disguised as Indians, threw the tea overboard from the “Dartmouth.”

William Adams Richardson,
Grandson of William Adams, who enlisted in the Continental Army at the age of fifteen years.

David Rittenhouse,
Great-great-grandson of John Bull, Commissioner to treat with Indians at Easton, Pa., 1777; adjutant-general of Pennsylvania, 1779; in command 2d Brigade, Pennsylvania Militia, after General Irwin’s capture; delegate to Provincial Conference, January and July, 1775; member Convention, 1776; also member of Pennsylvania Board of War.

William Beatty Rochester,
Grandson of Nathaniel Rochester, delegate from Orange County to the North Carolina Provincial Congress in April and May, 1776; afterwards Lieutenant-Colonel of the Southern Regiment of Orange County, North Carolina.

Francis Asbury Roe,
Grandson of John Roe, minute man. New York Line, and Quartermaster 1st Regiment Suffolk County Militia, Col. Wm. Floyd.

Fayette Washington Roe,
Great-grandson of John Roe. (See above.)

George Roe,
Same descent.

Richard Rush,
Great-great-grandson of Richard Stockton, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Also great-grandson of Benjamin Rush, M.D., signer of the Declaration of independence.

Francis Preston Blair Sands,
Great-grandson of Sergt. Ephraim French, of Capt. Wm. Barrow’s Company, Col. Isaac Wyman’s New Hampshire Regiment.

Nathan Sargent,
Great-grandson of Samuel Sargent, member of Capt. Seth Washburn’s Company, Colonel Ward’s Regiment.

Harold Marsh Sewall,
Great-great-grandson of Col. Dummer Sewall, of Continental Army.

Wm. Floyd Sicard,
Great-great-grandson of William Floyd, signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Franklin Steele,
Great-great-grandson of Samuel Chase, signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Rowan Wainwright Stevens,
Great-great-grandson of Col. Comfort Sage, commanding 3d Battalion under Gen. Wadsworth.

Daniel Morgan Taylor,
Great-great-grandson of Col. John Neville, 4th Regiment Virginia Continental Infantry. Also great-great-grandson of Gen. Daniel Morgan. Also great-grandson of Lieut. Col. Presley Neville, aide-de-camp to Gens. Lincoln and Lafayette. Also great-grandson of Lieut. Col. Charles Simms, 2d Regiment Virginia Continental Infantry.

David Watson Taylor,
Great-great-grandson of John Penn, signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Harry Clay Taylor,
Great-great-grandson of Col. John Neville, 4th Regiment Virginia Continental Infantry. Also great-great-grandson of Gen. Daniel Morgan. Also great-grandson of Lieut. Col. Presley Neville, aide-de-camp to Gens. Lincoln and Lafayette. Also great-grandson of Lieut. Col. Charles Simms, 2d Regiment Virginia Continental Infantry.

Edward Amory Trescot,
Great-great-grandson of Stephen Bull, General in Continental Army. Also great-great-grandson of William Johnson, one of the hostages taken by Gen. Cornwallis and sent from Charleston to St. Augustine, 1780.

Thomas Cuthbert Trescot,
Same descent.

William Truxton,
Great-grandson of Commodore Thomas Truxton.

John Grimes Walker,
Great-grandson of Lieut. Aaron Walker, of the Continental Army. Also grandson of Samuel Walker, of the Continental Army.

John Sidney Webb,
Great-grandson of Capt. John Webb, of the 2d Regiment of Connecticut Light Dragoons. Also great-grandson of Col. John Randall, Quartermaster-General of Maryland Troops.

Charles Worthington,
Great-grandson of Maj. Nicholas Worthington, of Maryland Troops, and delegate to Legislature of Maryland. Also great-grandson of Capt. Jonathan Phillips, 2d New Jersey Regiment. Also great-grandson of William Churchill Houston, member of Continental Congress.

Robert Henry Yeatman,
Great-grandson of Richard Dorsey, Lieutenant and Captain Maryland Artillery; original member of the Society of the Cincinnati.


Notes About Book:

Book Source: Sons of The Revolution, 1891, Washington, D.C., Gibson Brothers Printers and Bookbinders, 1891

Notes about Online Publication: This manuscript has been ocr’d and edited. These records have been reproduced as clearly as online publication will allow us, but not all are exactly the way they were in the original work. The structure of this manuscript has been changed to allow better online presentation. No Spelling changes have been made to names.

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