Memorial Continental Hall

Pennsylvania Avenue and The Malls District of Columbia

Ancestry US

Penna. Ave. and 1St St., N. W. – Peace Monument (or Naval Monument), “in memory of officers, seamen and marines of the U. S. Navy” in Civil War; by F. Simmons.

Penna. Ave and 1St., N. W. – In Botanical Garden, Statue of Gen. Grant, by Henry M. Shrady.

Penna. Ave., N. W. corner 2nd St., N. W. – First site of Baltimore and Ohio Ry. Station called Washington Branch Depot. Formally opened August 25, 1835 with locomotive Arabianis drawing cars. Two trains ran per day. Ticket office surmounted by belfry and bell rang ten minutes before train time.

Penna. Ave., betw. 2nd and 3rd Sts., N. W. – Site of Mrs. Brawner’s boarding house where (Feb. 16, 1840) Henry Watterson, celebrated journalist, was born. Place now marked by large elm Standing opposite Botanical Garden.

Penna. Ave. and 3rd St., n. w. corner., N. W. – Formerly Gadsby’s Hotel run by son of Gadsby of National. Vice-Pres. Hamlin under Lincoln and Vice. Pres. Wilson under Grant resided here.

Penna. Ave and 3rd St., S. W. corner, N. W. – Mades Hotel, here Gen. John A. Sutter on whose property in California, gold was first discovered, died in 1880.

339-341 Penna. Ave., N. W.- Jackson Hall. A ball, called the “National Inaugural,” for the benefit of the poor, was held here when Zachary Taylor became President in 1849.

Penna. Ave and John Marshall place, north-west corner – John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, Robert Y. Hayne, Henry A. Wise and Henry Wilson resided at Mrs. Peyton’s boarding house, on this site.

Penna. Ave., between 4½ and 6th Sts., south side, N. W. – First Savings Bank in District opened in 1847.

Penna. Ave. and 6th St., N. E. corner – National Hotel erected 1827. Bank of Washington here in 1828. Pres. Jackson escorted to this hotel in 1829 previous to his election. Second hotel reopened in 1844 and here Henry Clay died in room 32, June 29, 1852. Office of Telegraph Censor Stationed here in 1865 during the Civil War. This old hotel severely damaged by fire Oct., 1921. Hotel Stands on site of Weightman’s Bldgs. erected by Roger Chew Weightman, Mayor of Washington 1824-26 and who resided here. He was early city builder and leader in many patriotic observances, giving ad-dress of welcome to Gen. Lafayette in 1824. Died at 1717 20th St. N. W.

Penna. Ave., north side between 6th and 7th Sts., N. W. – Metropolitan Hotel- Old Woodward Tavern est. 1804. First hotel located midway between Capitol and President’s house. Forerunner of Myers City Tavern, Davis’ Indian Queen Hotel (1808), McKeowin’s (1816) and Brown’s Hotel in 1820. The Metropolitan Hotel is now on part of the site. Here the Star Spangled Banner was sung for the first time in Washington, Sept. 22, 1814, at dinner given by citizens of District to Wm. Jones, Sec. of Navy on his resignation. Here Oct. 1816 was held organization meeting of Columbian Institute. Congress granted charter Apr. 1818, part of which read “The Institute shall consist of mathematical, physical, moral, political science, general literature, and fine arts.” (J. Q. Adams first Pres.) Fore-runner of National Museum.

At Brown’s Hotel (present Structure erected 1851), Kossuth and his suite were entertained in 1852. In this hotel Chief Justices Cranch administered the oath of office to President Tyler in 1841.

Penna. Ave. and 7th St., N. W. – Statue of Gen. Hancock; by Henry Ellicott.

Penna Ave. between 7th and 9th Sts., N. W. – Center Market. Established in 1801 on first reservation made for such use. Once called Marsh or “Mash” market.

Penna Ave. and 9th St., N. W. – Statue of Gen. Rawlins; by J. Bailey.

Penna. Ave and 10th St., N. W. – Statue of Benjamin Franklin, by Jacques Jouvenal.

Penna. Ave and 12th St., S. E. corner, N. W. – Raleigh Hotel. Here formerly was situated the Fountain Inn, Fuller’s Hotel, and The Irving; also the Kirkwood House where Vice-Pres. Andrew Johnson resided and was sworn in as President. Pension Office once located here.

Penna. Ave. and 13th St., N. W.- Statue of Count Pulaski, by Casimir Chodzinski.
Penna. Ave., south side, bet. 13th and 13*6 Sts., N. W. – Here established first Public Library in 1812. (near present Municipal Building.

Penna. Ave. and 14th St., N. W. – New Willard Hotel built on site of former Willard Hotel which was erected in 1847, where Presidents Taylor, Fillmore, Buchanan were guests. President Lincoln was entertained here in 1861 and here Gen. Grant was made Lieut. General. Chas. Dickens Stopped here in 1842 at what was then the “City Hotel,” where the P. O. Dept. was housed after the burning of Blodgett’s Hotel 1836. From the “New Willard” President Harding went to the White House March 4, 1921 and here Nov., 1921, M. Briand, M. Viviani, and delegates from France and Belgium to the Disarmament Conference were entertained. Headquarters for Mrs. Wm. C. Story, 8th Pres. General of D. A. R. when in Washington.

Penna. Ave. and 14th St., N. W. – Statue of Gov. Alexander R. Shepherd, by U. S. J. Dunbar.

1417-1421 Penna. Ave., N. W. – Lovell’s Tavern established here in 1800, called Rhode’s Hotel, Union Tavern, and Washington Hotel in 1813.

Penna. Ave. and 15th St., N. W. – Washington Hotel. Headquarters of Italian delegation to Arms Conference.

Penna. Ave. and 15th St., south of Treasury – Statue of Gen. Sherman by Carl Rohl Smith.

Penna. Ave. and 15th St., N. W. corner, N. W. – Second home of the old Bank of the United States.

Penna. Ave. and 15th St., N. W. – The Treasury Building partially completed in 1841, and finished in 1869. First Inaugural Ball of President Grant held here 1869.

North front of the Treasury Dept. On this site once Stood State Dept. Building, Jan., 1820-Oct, 1866.

Lafayette sq., N. W. – Once the apple orchard Davy Burnes. Named Lafayette square George Washington.

Memorial Continental Hall
Memorial Continental Hall
Here was signed the Treaty of Peace between the Powers at conclusion of Limitation of Arms conference, February 1922

Penna. Ave., opposite White House – In center of Lafayette square, Statue of Gen. Andrew Jackson, famous in War of 1812; by Clark Mills.

Penna. Ave. and Madison place, N. W. – Southeast corner of Lafayette square, Statue of Gen. Lafayette and on pedestal are Rochambeau and Duportail of Army, and DeGrasse and D’EStaing of Navy; all by A. Falquiere and A. Mercie.

Penna. Ave. and Jackson place, N. W. – Southwest corner Lafayette square, Statue of Comte de Rochambeau by M. Hamar.

H St. and Madison place, N. W. – Northeast corner of Lafayette square, Statue of Gen. Thaddeus Kosciuszko by Antonio Popiel.

H St. and Jackson place, N. W. – Northwest corner Lafayette square, Statue of Baron Von Steuben, distinguished aid to Washing-ton in Revolutionary War; by Albert Jaegers.

Penna Ave. between 15th and 17th Sts., N. W. – Executive Mansion. George Washington present at the laying of the corner Stone in 1792, finished in 1800, Architect, John Hoban. First occupied by Pres. John Adams, burned Aug. 24, 1814 by the British. Restored and re-opened in 1818 at the New Year’s reception of President Monroe.

Executive Mansion – Here lived Mrs. Caroline Scott Harrison, wife of Pres. Benjamin Harrison, and 1St Pres. General of D. A. R. 1890-92.

Jackson place, corner of Penna. Ave., N. W. – Former home of Peter Parker, Minister to China; William E. Curtis, Chief of All-America’s Bureau.

14 Jackson place – Built by Dr. Ewell of the Navy service and occupied by three Secs. of the Navy, Smith Thompson, Sam. L. Southhard and Levi D. Woodbury. M. le Comte de Menou, Charge d’affaires of France, 1822, and Sir Charles Vaughn, Minister of Gr. Britain, 1834, resided here. This house has been the home also of Sec. of the Treasury, John C. Spencer, Vice-Pres. Schuyler Colfax and Sen. Wm. C. Rives of Va., grandfather of Amelie Rives, the novelist. Gen. Dan Lee Sickles of the Sickles-Key tragedy once lived here.

22 Jackson pl. – Pres. Roosevelt lived here while White House was being remodeled in 1902. Now Women’s City Club.

Jackson and H St., S.W. corner, N. W. – Decatur House built in 1819, Architect, Latrobe. Decatur, author of the famous toast: “Our Country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right, but our country right or wrong.” After his death, house leased to Baron Tuyl, Minister from Russia, who left Washington in 1825. Next occupant Henry Clay, when Sec. of State. Martin Van Buren who succeeded him cut window in south wall of house to see signals displayed from the White House by “Old Hickory” whom he worshipped. Next occupant was Edw. Livingston and house then became home of two foreign Ministers, Sir Charles Vaughn and Baron Hyde de Neuville. Several eminent citizens were the next occupants until at the close of the Civil War it became the home of Gen. E. F. Beale. Here Gen. and Mrs. Grant were frequently entertained.

Penna. Ave., in rear of Executive Mansion – Butt-Millet Fountain, in memory of Capt. Archibald Butt and Francis D. Millet lost on the “Titanic.” Sculptor Daniel C. French, and architect, Thomas Hastings.

1651 Penna. Ave., N. W. – Built in 1820 by Surgeon Gen. Joseph Lovell, of the War of 1812. 15 years later became home of Francis Preston Blair, editor of “The Globe,” the official organ of Jackson administration. Inherited by his son, Montomery Blair, Postmaster Gen. 1861-4. Sec. Bancroft, the historian, lived here; also John Y. Mason, Sec. of the Navy; and later occupied by Sec. Ewing, whose daughter married Gen. Tecumseh Sherman. As a result of a conference held here, David Farragut was selected to command our fleet at New Orleans.

1653 Penna. Ave., N. W. – Andrew Johnson while Vice-President of the United States lived here.

Penna. Ave., S. E. corner 17th St., N. W. – State, War and Navy Dept. Building. Designed by A. S. Mullet, 1871. Completed 1887. For many years considered largest government office building in world. Howitzer at Penna. Ave. entrance to War Dept. taken at surrender of Yorktown, Oct. 19, 1781.

Penna. Ave. and 17th St., N. E. corner, N. W. – U. S. Court of Claims Building erected in 1859 by W. W. Corcoran as a gift to the city for the encouragement of the fine arts. In 1873 this building contained the Corcoran Art Collection.

Penna. Ave. between 17th and 18th St, south-side, N. W. – Western School (or Academy) opened in 1806. First school in nature of a public institution in the city. School building afterwards erected southwest corner of 17th and I Sts., N. W. in 1807.

Penna. Ave. and 18th St., N. E. cor. – Powhatan Hotel – Members of Japanese delegation to Arms Conference entertained here.

1901-13 Penna Ave., N. W. – Row erected in 1800 known as “Seven Buildings.” 1901 used by State Dept. when John Marshall was Secretary. This house marked by bronze tablet, placed by D. C, D. A. R. (State Historic Committee), Stating -“This building was used as the ‘President’s House’ from October 1815- March 1817 by James Madison, fourth President of the United States, after the White House was burned by the British troops on August 24, 1814.” Same house also sheltered Vice-Presidents Elbridge Gerry and Van Buren; Secretary of Treasury, Robert J. Walker. In this row, lived Gen. Turreau de Garambonville, Minister of France, in 1804, and following Cabinet officers, Gen. John Armstrong, James K. Paulding, George W. Campbell and Benj. W. Crowninshield. The first Portuguese Minister to U. S. resided in one of the buildings. The row once called Brides Row as the houses were occupied by brides.

Penn. Ave., I and 20th Sts., N. W. (Triangle) – This was once a market space with a small market house, where Lorenzo Dow frequently spoke to crowds of listeners. Mr. Dow died in Washington and is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery.

Penna. Ave. Junction, 20th and I Sts., N. W. – Once home of Gen. James M. Lingan, ”early proprietor” and Rev. patriot, highly esteemed. Killed in mob attack between Federalists and Democratic Republicans in 1812. His first grave marked by Dolly Madison Chapter, D. C, D. A. R., afterwards removed to Arlington Cemetery, Gen. Lingan also lived previously center of 19th St., between M and N, N. W. Owned much land in the vicinity of Dupont Circle.

2012 Penna. Ave., N. W- W. W. Corcoran lived here 24 years.

Penna. Ave. and 21St St., N. E. corner, N. W. (Now Penn Gardens) – Once O’Neale’s Tavern then Old Franklin Hotel. Here Lafayette, in 1824, delivered his famous toast; “(The City of Washington the Central Star of the constellation which en-lightens the whole world).” Here Vice-President George Clinton died, April 20, 1812. Here Peggy O’Neal, daughter of the proprietor was courted by Sec. of War, Eaton (under President Jackson, 1829-31); she afterwards married Gen. John H. Eaton and lived 2005 I St. Treasury Dept. located here for a while after 1814.

2106 Penna. Ave., N. W.- Residence of Dr. Wm. Magruder, mayor of Washington 1856-57.

2107-2117 Penna. Ave, N. W.- Built about 1795 by James Greenleaf and called the “Six Buildings.” In 1800, 2107 was the Navy office under Benj. Stodder, Sec. of Navy Samuel Houston, Gov. of Term, and first President of Texas, lived here; also Gen James Wilkinson, Gen. in Chief of the Army 1796; John Francis Mercer first resident of the C. & O. Canal Co.: James Madison, when Sec. of State; and Richard Rush, Atty Gen. U.S.A.

Penna Ave. and 23rd St. N.W. – At Washington circle, Statue of Washington by Clark Mills.

1500 R. I Ave. – (at Scott Circle), N. W. – Once home of Vice-President Levi P. Morton.

R.I Ave. and 17th St., N. E Cor, N. W. – Presented to General Sheridan m 1883 by friends. House since remodeled.

1717 R. I. Ave., N. W. – Once the home of Justice E. D. White.

1747 R I. Ave., N. W. – Site of house presented to Admiral Dewey by the American people, Nov. 22, 1899.

Vt. Ave. and N St., S. E. corner, N W. – Gen Montgomery Meigs, House Built by Gen. Meigs Reginald DeKoven lived here.

Vt. Ave. between N St. and Iowa Circle, Christian Church – President Garfield attended services here. This Church erected as a memorial to him.

Vt. Ave. and 15th St., N. W. – At McPherson Square statue of Gen. McPherson by L. L. Rebisso.

1831 Wyoming Ave., N. W. – Home of late Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary.

2241 Wyoming Ave., N. W.-Present home of Chief Justice Wm. H. Taft. ,

2303 Wyoming Ave., N. W. – President Harding lived here while U. S. Senator and until his Inauguration.

John Marshall Place – At the intersection of D Street in front of the Court House, Stood The first memorial Statue of Abraham Lincoln. The sculptor, Lot Flannery, is still living.

317 John Marshall Place – Equity Building, once home of Vice-President Schuyler Colfax.

John Marshall Place and C St., S. W. cor. – Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church, called the National Methodist Episcopal Church. Dedicated in February, 1869. Bishop Newman preached here. General Grant, General Logan, Secretary Chase, President McKinley and Vice-President Fairbanks were attendants here. Has chime of eleven bells.

John Marshall Place and C St., N. W. – First Presbyterian Church. Rev. T. DeWitt Tallmadge and Rev. Byron Sunderland were pastors of this church. Pres. Jackson, Polk, Pierce and Cleveland attended here, also Vice-Pres. Colfax and Wm. J. Bryan. First pastor installed in 1794, services being held in carpenter shop at White House. Church next occupied what was then a farmhouse near corner of 10th and F Sts., N. W. Later moved to room furnished by Masonic Lodge near Navy Yard. Again moved, to basement of old Capitol. In 1812, “Little White Church under the Hill,” south of Capitol, was dedicated. Cornerstone of present edifice was laid in 1827.

John Marshall Place, opp. First Presbyterian Church – Early home of Carlo Franzoni located here. He was one of Italian artist colony who worked on U. S. Capitol. Sculptor of marble clock above door of Statuary Hall. Design adopted as seal for Columbia Historical Society.

The Mall – On Smithsonian Grounds, Statues of Louis J. M. Daguerre, inventor of Daguerreotype Photography; by J. M. Hart-ley. Prof. Joseph Henry, first Secretary of Smithsonian Institution; by W. W. Story. Dr. Samuel Gross, famous surgeon; by A. S. Calder. Andrew J. Downing, landscape painter and gardner; who laid out many of city’s parks; by Calver Vaux. In Smithsonian Institution, Washington; by Greenough.

The Mall, 6th St., S. W., near B St., Armory Square – United States Fish Commission occupies old arsenal of pre-Civil War clays.

The Mall, 7th St., S. W., near Old National Museum – Army Medical Museum contains exhibits of models’ showing wounds and diseases of war and contains the greatest medical and surgical library in the world not excepting that of British Museum.

North side of Armory Park, between 6th and 7th and B Sts., (north and south) – Site of the new George Washington Memorial building and Victory Memorial. Corner-Stone laid Nov. 14, 1921. The plan of this building has been publicly endorsed by the last three Presidents of the United States.

The Mall, near 10th St., N. W. – Smithsonian Institution. The Columbian Inst., Started in 1816, was the forerunner of this organization. Pres. Monroe in 1820 granted them land for a Botanical garden near present Gardens. In 1846 the Smithsonian Institution was created by an Act of Congress to conform to the will of James Smithson, an Englishman, who gave his fortune to the U. S. to found an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men. Has scientific library of 260,000 books. This building planned by James Renwick, was completed in 1855. Here Joseph Henry, first sec, resided in the East front. Here Sec. Langley carried on his investigations resulting in invention of flying machines. The Chapel, where James Smithson lies buried, is in the main entrance. The activities of the N. S. D. A. R. are part of the annual report of this Institution to Congress.

The Mall, S. W. of Smithsonian Bldg.- Arts and Industries Building. This is the old building completed in 1881. Here was held the Inaugural Ball of Pres. Garfield. Contains relics of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Grant.

The Mall, 10th and B Sts., N. W. – National Museum, main building (the “national collections” are housed in three buildings on the Mall between 7th and 12th Sts.). The New Main Building contains vast collection of material relating to the World War temporarily exhibited here. In the gallery of paintings is the valuable collection, the gift of Harriet Lane Johnson.

The Mall, between 12th and 14th Sts. – Dept. of Agriculture. Developed from special interest, which early patent commissioners took in agricultural improvements.

The Mall, Smithsonian Institution Grounds, S. W. corner – Freer Art Gallery – Inde-pendent Art collection, the gift of Mr. Charles L. Freer, installed here Dec, 1921.

The Mall, south of White House – Washing-ton Monument. Movement to build memorial before the death of Washington, who selected the site. Corner Stone laid July 4, 1848. Robert C. Winthrop, speaker of House of Rep., being the orator at these exercises. Capstone was set Dec. 6, 1884.

The Mall – On lawn East side of and near driveway west-north-west from Washington Monument. Site of Jefferson Stone, or Center Stone marked by granite post set nearly even with ground and marked by cut, “n-s by e-w.” This marks original meridian Stone set by Mr. Nicholas King, surveyor under Jefferson in 1804. Mr. King surveyed due south of White House placing near the future Washington Monument what was known as Capitol Stone, (3½ ft. high), Standing in 1870 but now removed. Mr. King then surveyed north 175 ft. 8y 2 in. (or half the length of Capitol at that date) and planted the Jefferson Stone. Original Stone destroyed by grading in 1872 but site afterwards discovered and City Engineers set present marker, on northern edge of Ellipse, called “Zero Stone” but they removed old “Capitol Stone” near Washing-ton Monument. (Meridian Stone also mentioned under “Meridian Park” and “Lincoln Park.”‘)

The Mall, near B St. at 23rd St., N. W.- The Lincoln Memorial on axis with Capitol and Washington Monument.

Speedway, Potomac Park south of grounds of Naval Med. School Hospital. Large bowlder known as the Key of Keys where according to tradition Gen. Braddock landed on his way to Ft. Dequesne in 1755. When the C. & O. Canal was constructed through this part of Washington it became necessary to blast large portion of this rock.

Notes About Book:

Book Source: Historical Directory of the District of Columbia, District Of Columbia, D. A. R.

Notes about Online Publication: This manuscript has been ocr’d and edited. These records have been reproduced as clearly as online publication will allow us, but not all are exactly the way they were in the original work. The structure of this manuscript has been changed to allow better online presentation. No Spelling changes have been made to names.



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