C Street thru H Street District of Columbia

Ancestry US

Square bound by D and E Sts – 25th and 26th Sts, N. VV. – This plot bequeathed by George Washington to grandson of Mrs. Washing-ton, Col. G. W. Parke Custis.

302 C St., N. W. – Formerly home of John W. Maury, Mayor of Washington in 1852-3, and president of National Metropolitan Bank.

308 C St., N. W. – Built by Henry Weightman, brother of Gen. Roger C. Weightman. Owned and occupied by Francis Scott Key (author of the “Star Spangled Banner”), for a time before 1843. Sold, after his death, to John A. Smith, for twenty years Clerk of Circuit Court.

312 C St., N. W. – Henry Clay resided in house on this site, then known as Mrs. Dilly’s boarding house.

306 C St., N. W. – Home of Dr. Jonas Green in 1844. Later home of Robert C. Winthrop of Massachusetts, Speaker of House in 1847, Senator in 1850-51, filling vacancy caused by death of Senator Daniel Webster. He delivered address at laying of corner Stone of Washington Monument in 1848.

318 C St., N. W. – John C. Fremont, the Pathfinder, and first Republican candidate for the Presidency, lived in this house after his marriage to Jessie, daughter of Senator Benton. Also home of Alexander H. H. Stuart, Secretary of Interior under Fillmore. Purchased in 1866 by the First Presbyterian Church as parsonage for Dr. Sunderland.

324 C St., N. W. – Residence of James Campbell, Postmaster-General under President Pierce, 1853-57. Also home of Henry C. Ellsworth of Indiana, Commissioner of Patents, 1836-43, and of Zenas C. Robbins, intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln. Samuel F. B. Morse boarded here when Congress passed his bill for funds for the first telegraph line.

334 C St., N. W. – Thomas H. Benton, Senator from Missouri, lived here when completing literary work which made him famous. His first house was burned, and Mr. Benton’ second volume of “Thirty Years’ View,” in manuscript, was lost. Replaced from memory, and house rebuilt. He died here in 1858. Author of “Debates in Congress.”

C St. and John Marshall Place, N. W. corner, N. W. – John Quincy Adams lived here. Purchased later by Gottlieb Grammar.

307 D St., N. W. – In 1852 home of James Mandeville Carlisle, a prominent abolitionist, who died here in 1877. Now Wesleyan Church.

D St. corner of 6th, N. W. – Here was the First Unitarian Church, dedicated June 9th, 1822. Early membership included J. Q. Adams, J. C. Calhoun, W. W. Seaton, Joseph Gales, Sr. and Jr., and Judge Wm. Cranch. Here preached E. E. Hale, Dr. Orville Dewey and Samuel Longfellow, brother of poet. Building designed by Charles Bulfinch, and Stood for 55 years. Had first church bell in city, cast in Paul Revere’ s foundry in 1822.

D St., near 6th, part of Police Court, N. W. – Site of old Webster law buildings, leased by Daniel Webster in 1848, and where lie made a memorable speech in 1852.

1202 D St., N. W. – Built by General John P. Van Ness, and occupied by him and Mrs. Van Ness, 1807-1815. Many noted guests were entertained here, including Washing-ton Irving in 1807, and again in 1811. Marked by tablet placed by Marcia Burnes Chapter, D. A. R.

601 E St., N. W. – Built and occupied by Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase. His brilliant daughter, Kate, became the wife of Senator Wm. H. Sprague.

E St., south side, between 7th and 8th, N. W. – Former home of W. W. Seaton of National Intelligencer, many years Mayor of Washington. Here a reception was tendered Lafayette.

North side E St., between 7th and 8th, N. W. – Blodgett’s Hotel was here. Built in 1793 by Samuel Blodgett, prominent in early affairs of city and author of first books on national economics published in America. First theatrical performance given here in 1800. Congress convened here in 1814, and before building was destroyed by fire in Dec, 1836, it was occupied by the Post Office Department, the Patent Office, and the city post office.

E and 12th Sts., northeast corner, N. W. – On this site Stood house where James McNeil Whistler, the famous painter, lodged.

E St., between 13th and 14th, National Theatre, N. W. – The present is the fifth National theatre erected on this site. The first was opened Dec. 7, 1835, and destroyed by fire March 5, 1845. Other theatres were similarly destroyed in 1857, 1873 and 1885. In 1836 “Pocahontas,” written by George Washington Parke Custis, was given here, and here Jenny Lind gave her first concert in Washington. Scene of the inaugural ball of President Polk in 1845.

2029 E St., N. W. – Old two-Story brick house, Still preserved, and mentioned by Christian Hines as Standing in 1800 and occupied in 1799 by William King. Later residences of Joseph Forrest and of Alexander Kerr.

E and 23rd Sts., N. W. – At Naval Museum of Hygiene, Statue of Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of Declaration of Independence, noted doctor and active in establishing Dickinson College; designed by R. Hinton Perry.

23rd to 27th Sts. and E St. to river, N. W. – Site preferred by Washington for National University; at present Naval Hospital. Old Naval Observatory buildings were located in this vicinity.

308 F St., N. W. – Arkwright Apartments. Home of Gen. Albert Pike, author, jurist, philanthropist and once at the head of Freemasonry in the U. S.

F and 5th Sts., N. W. – southwest corner – Wesley Chapel. Erected on ground deeded for it by Gen. John P. Van Ness, Dec. 24, 1828. Dedicated May 3, 1829. First pastor, William Ryland, great orator and five times chaplain of United States Senate. President Pierce attended here.

F St., between 7th and 9th Sts., N. W. – U. S. Patent Office. In Model Room the second inaugural ball for President Lincoln was held in 1865.

F and 9th Sts., N. W. cor., N. W. – Old Masonic Temple Stands on site of tavern known as “Model House.” Under this building is a living spring enclosed in masonry, and bearing inscription stating it was so enclosed by Robert Brent, Esq., first Mayor of Washington.

F St., between 10th and 11th, south side, N. W. – First building on F St, here erected in 1800. Home of Christian Hines, who fought as Lieutenant at battle of Bladensburg and who wrote “Early Recollections of Washington City.” He bought a large tract of land in Mount Pleasant, near Florida Ave. and Columbia road, where he planted many mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk worms.

F St., between 10th and 11th, N. W. – Previous to 1800 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church established here for a short time.

F and 13th Sts., N. E. cor., N. W. – Old Bank of U. S. first established on this site in 1801. Now Homer Building.

1321 F St., N. W. – Henry R. Schoolcraft, the ethnologist, lived here.

1325 F St. N. W. – Once home of Wm. Seward, Secretary of State under Lincoln.

1331 F St., N. W. – Site of house built in 1793 by Samuel Blodgett, later owned by Dr. Wm. Thornton, architect of Capitol; Dr. Thomas Miller, called “Court Physician” as he attended many Presidents, also lived here.

1333-35 F St., N. W. – In 1814 home of Richard Cutts when Pres. Madison occupied it from Aug. 28 to Sept. 8 as temporary President’s House (after burning of Capitol, etc.) before he moved to Octagon House. Later home of Pres. John Q. Adams; Gen. Walter Jones; Commander Patterson of Navy. Part of walls of early buildings used in present Structure. Used as U. S. Sanitary Commission during Civil War. Now owned by Y. W. C. A.

1336-38 F St., N. W. – East of Ebbitt House. In rear of these buildings it is said once Stood home of Aaron Burr.

F St., north side, between 13th and 14th, N. W. – Here was established (July, 1795), the first Post Office in city at home of Thomas Johnson, Jr., son of Chairman of first Board of Commissioners.

F and 14th Sts., S. E. cor., N. W. – Ebbitt House. Here McKinley, while member of Congress, resided. Hotel built on site of residence of Richard Forrest, nephew of Uriah Forrest. Richard Forrest was made postmaster by Gen. Washington in 1797. He moved to District in 1800 and built here; was clerk in Department of State under Jefferson.

F St. north side, bet. 14th and 15th., N. W. – Little’s Hotel established here in 1795.

F St., N. E. cor. 15th St., N. W. – Orphans’ Court of District here in 1801. In 1814 Bank of Metropolis, later National Metropolitan Bank (the second local bank in District), was located here.

F and 17th Sts., S. W. cor., N. W. – Built by Col. Nathan Towson, Paymaster General of Army and later used by Gen. Grant as headquarters in 1865.

1801 F St., N. W. – Chief Justice John Marshall and later Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller lived here. Now home of Hon. Medill McCormick.

F St., between 19th and 20th, N. W. – Downtown center of The American University.

Judiciary Square, G St., between 4th and 6th Sts., U. S. Pension Office – The Inaugural Balls of Pres. Cleveland in 1885, at which time 17,000 people were present, of Harrison (1889), McKinley (1897), Roosevelt (1905), Taft (1909), all held here.

G and 14th St., N. E. cor., N. W. – Foundry Methodist Episcopal Church, first located where Colorado Building now Stands. Built as a thank-offering by Henry Foxall, whose foundry escaped destruction August, 1814. Old Church dedicated September 10, 1815, and called Foundry Chapel. Rebuilt in 1848 and 1864. In 1902 present Structure on 16th St. was erected.

1736 G St., N. W. (Y. M. C. A. Bldg.) -Site of Wirt house, once home of Atty.-Gen. Wm. Wirt, for 12 years under Pres. Monroe and John Quincy Adams (1817-29). Also occupied by Col. Tobias Lear, Washington’s private secretary. Mrs. Wirt was the author of “Flora’s Dictionary” and cultivated rare flowers. Many cabinet officers and high officials lived in this house. The Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, was entertained here. Here in later years the Weather Service was developed. (Site of National Soldiers and Sailors Orphan Asylum in 1874.)

G and 18th Sts., S. W. cor., N. W. – Built in 1800 by Dr. Ellzey, prominent physician. Salmon P. Chase when a young man taught school here in 1820.

G and 18th Sts., S. E. cor., N. W. – Site of house built by Edw. Everett of Massachusetts, Secretary of State under President Fillmore in 1852. Jefferson Davis lived here also when Secretary of State; Secretary of the Interior, Jacob Thompson, under President Buchanan and Capt. Henry A. Wise.

G and 19th Sts., N. W. cor., N. W. – On this site was the home of Matthew F. Maury, the geographer.

1914 G St., N. W. – Former residence of Gen. A. W. Greely, famous Artie explorer. Lewis Cass also resided here.

2000 G St., N. W. – Residence of Oscar W. Underwood, United States Senator, and member of the United States delegation to the Arms Conference.

2023 G St., N. W. – George Washington University. First situated on a tract of land between 14th and 15th Sts. and Florida Ave. and Holmead road. Founded in 1821 as Columbian College through the efforts of the Rev. Luther Rice. Besides prominent Baptists the early contributors were J. Q. Adams, John C. Calhoun, Richard Rush. In 1872 W. W. Corcoran donated generous-ly and proceeded to put college on footing of University. John Withers of Alexandria was among the early benefactors. First Commencement held in F Street Presbyterian Church and attended by President Monroe, Gen. Lafayette, Gen. Jackson and other celebrated men. (Dec. 15, 1824.)

H and North Capitol Sts., S. W. corner, N. W. – This building is the original Government Printing Office.

1321 H St., N. W. – In 1824 Count de Menou Sec. French Legation built and lived in a house on this site. Occupied also by three French Ministers, de Rochelle, Serurier, and Pontois.

1415 H St., N. W. – Site of Labbe’s Dancing School directed by Francois Labbe a French refugee, in 1812, nephew of Charlotte Corday. The May Ball at his academy was always brilliant and very exclusive.

H and 15th Sts., N. E. cor., N. W. – Southern Building occupies site of old St. Matthew’s Church, erected in 1838.

H and 15th Sts., N. W. (Shoreham Hotel) -This site was occupied by the town house of Samuel H. Smith at one time. In 1863 Rep. Sam. Hooper of Mass. purchased house from J. H. B. Smith and it was here that President Johnston resided for several weeks after taking his oath of office. Gen. Geo. G. McClellan lived here when given command of the Army of the Potomac by Lincoln in 1862. Thos B. Reed, while speaker of the House of Rep., lived here when Shoreham Hotel. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, upon his return as Consul Gen. to Cuba, at the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, made an address from the balcony of this hotel, which was built by Levi P. Morton while Vice-Pres. (1889-93) and named for his birthplace in Vt.

H St. and Madison Place – (Cosmos Club) Former home of Dolly Payne Madison after the death of Pres. Madison. Mrs. Madison rented this house successively to Atty. Gen. Crittenden, Hon. Wm. Preston, (S. C), James L. Roosevelt (N. Y.), before occupying it herself. Later, home of Admiral Wilkes, Antarctic explorer. Headquarters of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan during Civil War. Cosmos Club (on Madison pl. side) includes homes of Sec. of Treas. William Windom, Senator Fenton, and Robert C. Ingersoll.

21 Madison place (Cosmos Club) – This house was built by Benjamin Ogle Tayloe in 1829. He was son of John Tayloe of Octagon House and was one of the most accomplished Americans of his day. His friends included Pres. John Q. Adams, Jackson, Wm. H. Harrison, Taylor, Fillmore and Buchanan; also Lords Napier, Ashburton, Lyons and Radstock. A later occupant was Admiral Paulding, son of John Paulding, one of the captors of Andre. Home also of Vice-Pres. Hobart and Senator Hanna, who lived there during McKinley administration and house was called “Little White house.”

Belasco Theatre, Madison place – On this site Stood tall brick house originally built by Commodore Rodgers in 1831. It soon be-came an elite boarding house of Washington, and numbered among its guests John Adams, John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay when Secretary of State. Next became Washington Club, of which Sickles and Key, whose tragedy took place in front of the door, were both members. Later residence of Secretary of State Seward, where the attempt on his life was made by the assassin Paine, on the same night that Lincoln was shot, April 14, 1865. Later home of Secretary of State James G. Blaine, who died here. Marked by tablet.

H St., N. W. cor. Vermont Ave. (Veterans’ Bureau) – On site of Arlington Hotel. This hotel included the residences of Wm. L. Marcy, Secretary of War under President Polk, and Secretary of State under President Pierce; Secretary of State Lewis Cass; Reverdy Johnson, Minister to England; Senator Chas. Sumner and Senator Pomeroy: and here were entertained Presidents Buchanan and Harrison. Walter Gresham, Secretary of State lived here also P. M. Gen. Henry C. Payne. Guests of the Arlington Hotel include Patti, Henry Irving, President Diaz of Mexico, Don Pedro of Brazil, King Kalakua and Boulanger of France. Here lived also Mrs. Daniel Manning, widow of the Secretary of Treasury under President Cleveland, fourth Pres. General, D. A. R.; Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, 7th Pres. General, D. A. R. Building re-moved and present building erected in 1919.

1525 H. St., N. W. – Built by Matthew St. Clair Clarke, clerk of the House of Rep. (1822-34) . In this house resided Lord Alex. Baring Ashburton, who was sent to the U. S. by Sir Robert Peel in 1842 to discuss the N. W. boundary question and it is said the Treaty between the Powers was here signed. Daniel Webster, then Secretary of State naming one of his sons for Lord Ashburton. House also occupied by John Nelson, Attorney General under President Tyler (1842). Once occupied by British Legation when Sir Henry Bulwer Lytton was Minister Plenipotentiary to U. S. and his nephew and secretary, “Owen Meredith” is said to have written “Lucille” in the garden of this house.

H and 16th Sts., S. E. cor. – St. John’s Church built in 1816, centrally located in a “day of swamp and forest.” Long called the “Church of State.” Here worshipped Presidents Madison, Monroe, J. Q. Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Fillmore, Buchanan and Arthur.

1603 H St., N. W. – Former home of Henry Adams, Historian, son of Chas. Francis Adams and grandson of John Quincy Adams. Now Brazilian Embassy.

1607 H St., N. W. – Site of house built by Commodore Richard Stockton, who made a naval record in the Mediterranean and the West Indies. He helped establish the American rule in California in 1845. Also residence of Senator John Slidell; Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy; Daniel Lamont, Secretary of War; and Russell A. Alger, Secretary of War. Former home of American Association of University Women.

H St. N. E. cor. Connecticut Ave. – Site of house built by Thos. Swann, U. S. District Atty. for the D. C. (1821-33); presented to Daniel Webster who made it his home when Secretary of State. During the Civil War it was occupied by the Marquis de Montholom, Minister of France, and during this time the most magnificent ball ever given in Washington took place here by order of Louis Napoleon. French ships at Annapolis were ordered here for the occasion. Later house became property of Wm. W. Corcoran, banker and philanthropist, who enlarged it as it is today. Senator Calvin S. Brice and Chauncy Depew resided here.

H St., N. W. cor. Connecticut Ave., N. W. – Once home of Admiral Shubrick, who served with distinction on board the “Constitution.”

1621 H St., N. W. – Once home of Judge J. C. Bancroft Davis, diplomat and reporter of Supreme Court.

1623 H. St., N. W. – George Bancroft, the historian, lived here. He was Secretary of the Navy and an enthusiast in floriculture. In the garden of this residence he originated the popular “American Beauty” rose,

1710 H. St., N. W. – House on this site built in 1826 by the Hon. Richard Rush, Minis-ter to England and Secretary of the Treasury. Occupied by Lord Lyons, Minister from Great Britain (1858-65) and here King Edward VII was guest Oct. 5, 1860. Admiral David D. Porter also lived here and here the D. S. Society of the Sons of the American Revolution was organized April 19, 1890. Hamilton Fish, Senator from N. Y. also lived here.

H. St., S. E. cor. 19th St., N. W. – The home of the Veteran Volunteer Fireman’s Association. One of the Earliest fire-engine houses in the city. Assigned by Act of Congress to the Association of Oldest Inhabitants. Its museum contains the chain used in laying out the Streets and Avenues of the city of Washington. Built in 1837 by Act of Congress.

19 I St., N. W. – Gonzaga College, established September 8, 1921, as Washington Semi-nary; was chartered May 4, 1858. It was removed to this site from F Street, near the old St. Patrick’s Church, September 4, 1871, and is directed by the Fathers of the Society of Jesus.

205-7 I St., N. W. – This home, one of a row, was bought for $15,000 as a gift to Gen. Grant in 1869 before he was elected to the Presidency. He sold it to the citizens who later presented it to General Sherman who lived here until 1874; later home of Mayor Matthew G. Emery. Nos. 201-5 were built by Senator Henry M. Rice of Minnesota (1855-59) who resided here. Called “Minnesota Row” also “Douglas Row” because Stephen A. Douglas (Senator from Illinois) resided here in the corner house. Douglas was called the “Little Giant.” He heard here the news of his defeat by Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency. Justice Joseph Bradley and Mayor Wallach also lived here. These houses used as hospital during the Civil War.

1215 I St., N. W. – Here in the front third-Story room of this house, called her “den,” Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote her famous book “Little Lord Fauntleroy” about 1882. She lived here from 1878 to 1885.

1332 I St., N. W. – The Brunswick Apartment now Stands on the site of the Iturbide Mansion. Home of grand-daughter of Gen. Uriah Forrest, wife of Don Augustine Angel Iturbide, son of Emperor Maximilian, first and last Emperor of Mexico. His family sought refuge in America. Iturbide appointed Secretary of Mexican Legation in 1850.

1405 I St., N. W. – Here lived Mrs. John W. Foster, wife of Sec. of State under Pres. Harrison, 3rd Pres. General of D. A. R.

1413 I St., N. W. – Once occupied by Mexican Embassy.

Notes About Book:

Book Source: Historical Directory of the District of Columbia, District Of Columbia, D. A. R.

Notes about Online Publication: This manuscript has been ocr’d and edited. These records have been reproduced as clearly as online publication will allow us, but not all are exactly the way they were in the original work. The structure of this manuscript has been changed to allow better online presentation. No Spelling changes have been made to names.


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